- GIANT (ジャイアント) 10%, 205 votes205 votes 10%205 votes - 10% of all votes
- TREK (トレック) 8%, 156 votes156 votes 8%156 votes - 8% of all votes
- CANNONDALE (キャノンデール) 7%, 152 votes152 votes 7%152 votes - 7% of all votes
- BIANCHI (ビアンキ) 7%, 139 votes139 votes 7%139 votes - 7% of all votes
- SPECIALIZED (スペシャライズド) 6%, 115 votes115 votes 6%115 votes - 6% of all votes
- ANCHOR (アンカー) 5%, 101 vote101 vote 5%101 vote - 5% of all votes
- MERIDA (メリダ) 4%, 89 votes89 votes 4%89 votes - 4% of all votes
- FELT (フェルト) 4%, 78 votes78 votes 4%78 votes - 4% of all votes
- PINARELLO (ピナレロ) 3%, 62 votes62 votes 3%62 votes - 3% of all votes
- GIOS (ジオス) 3%, 57 votes57 votes 3%57 votes - 3% of all votes
- LOOK (ルック) 3%, 54 votes54 votes 3%54 votes - 3% of all votes
- PANASONIC (パナソニック) 2%, 50 votes50 votes 2%50 votes - 2% of all votes
- SCOTT (スコット) 2%, 47 votes47 votes 2%47 votes - 2% of all votes
- FUJI (フジ) 2%, 44 votes44 votes 2%44 votes - 2% of all votes
- LOUISGARNEAU (ルイガノ) 2%, 41 vote41 vote 2%41 vote - 2% of all votes
- COLNAGO (コルナゴ) 2%, 37 votes37 votes 2%37 votes - 2% of all votes
- DE ROSA (デ・ローザ) 2%, 32 votes32 votes 2%32 votes - 2% of all votes
- RIDLEY (リドレー) 1%, 29 votes29 votes 1%29 votes - 1% of all votes
- WILIER (ウィリエール) 1%, 29 votes29 votes 1%29 votes - 1% of all votes
- FOCUS (フォーカス) 1%, 27 votes27 votes 1%27 votes - 1% of all votes
- MIYATA (ミヤタ) 1%, 27 votes27 votes 1%27 votes - 1% of all votes
- CANYON (キャニオン) 1%, 26 votes26 votes 1%26 votes - 1% of all votes
- BMC (ビーエムシー) 1%, 24 votes24 votes 1%24 votes - 1% of all votes
- CORRATEC (コラテック) 1%, 22 votes22 votes 1%22 votes - 1% of all votes
- GT (ジーティー) 1%, 21 vote21 vote 1%21 vote - 1% of all votes
- ORBEA (オルベア) 1%, 21 vote21 vote 1%21 vote - 1% of all votes
- KUOTA (クォータ) 1%, 18 votes18 votes 1%18 votes - 1% of all votes
- RALEIGH* 1%, 18 votes18 votes 1%18 votes - 1% of all votes
- LAPIERRE (ラピエール) 1%, 16 votes16 votes 1%16 votes - 1% of all votes
- CHINELLI (チネリ) 1%, 14 votes14 votes 1%14 votes - 1% of all votes
- CARRERA (カレラ) 1%, 13 votes13 votes 1%13 votes - 1% of all votes
- KHODAA BLOOM (コーダブルーム) 1%, 13 votes13 votes 1%13 votes - 1% of all votes
- BOMA (ボーマ) 1%, 12 votes12 votes 1%12 votes - 1% of all votes
- CENTURION (センチュリオン) 1%, 12 votes12 votes 1%12 votes - 1% of all votes
- JAMlS (ジェイミス) 1%, 12 votes12 votes 1%12 votes - 1% of all votes
- TIME (タイム) 1%, 12 votes12 votes 1%12 votes - 1% of all votes
- CERVELO (サーヴェロ) 1%, 11 votes11 votes 1%11 votes - 1% of all votes
- ARAYA (アラヤ) 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- BASSO (バッソ) 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- KHS (ケイ・エイチ・エス) 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- ブリヂストンレイダック* 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- BOTTECCHIA (ボッテキア) 0%, 9 votes9 votes9 votes - 0% of all votes
- GUSTO(グスト) 0%, 9 votes9 votes9 votes - 0% of all votes
- BH (ビーエイチ) 0%, 8 votes8 votes8 votes - 0% of all votes
- MASI (マジィ) 0%, 8 votes8 votes8 votes - 0% of all votes
- INTERMAX (インターマックス) 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- KONA (コナ) 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- NEILPRYDE (ニールプライド) 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- ARGON18 (アルゴンエイティーン) 0%, 6 votes6 votes6 votes - 0% of all votes
- EDDYMERCKX (エディメルクス) 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- CHERUBIM (ケルビム) 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- GARNEAU (ガノー) 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- YAMAHA (ヤマハ) 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- SURLY (サーリー) 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- KOGA* 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- AVEDIO (エヴァディオ) 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- NESTO (ネスト)* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- KLEIN* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- アンタレス* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- TOTEM* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- CHAPTER 2(チャプター2) 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- CALAMITA (カラミータ) 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- DEDACCIAI STRADA (テダチャイストラーダ) 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- SCHWINN (シュウィン) 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- YONEX (ヨネックス) 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- 東洋 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- 片倉シルク* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- VITUS(ヴィータス)* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- Rockbikes* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- LEVEL (レベル) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- MAKINO(マキノ) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- PENNAROLA (ペンナローラ) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- RITEWAY (ライトウェイ) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- FONDRIEST (フォンドリエスト) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- Kalavinka(カラビンカ)* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- AXMAN* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- SAMSON* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ケストレル* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- BOARDMAN(ボードマン)* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- MARIN〔マリン〕* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- CIPOLLINI (チッポーニ) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- FACTOR(ファクター) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- GRAPHITE DESIGN (グラファイトデザイン) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- KEMO(ケモ) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- OPERA (オペラ) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- STORCK (ストーク) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- TOMMASINI (トマジーニ) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- Lynskey(リンスキー) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- Litespeed(ライトスピード) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- 3T 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- OPUS (オーパス) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- LIGHTWEIGHT (ライトウェイト) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- NAGI BIKE (ナギ)* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- RAVANELLO(タカムラ製作所)* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- ESRマグネシア* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- MBK(エムビーケー)* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- AZZURRI* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- FAUSTO COPPI* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- explorer1* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- S1NEO* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- folks* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- SOFTRIDE (ソフトライド)* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- JAVA* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- F.Moser* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- BIXXIS(ビクシー) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- CEEPO(シーポ) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- CASATI (カザーティ) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- CKT (シーケーティー) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- DACCORD (ダコルディ) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- MUSEEUW (ムセウ) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- SANO MAGIC(サノ マジック) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- THOMPSON(トンプソン) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- RITCHEY (リッチー) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- GUERCHOTTI (グエルチョッティ) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 2060
Voters: 1041
- 2019年8月31日
Voting is closed
- 道路交通法上、使える場所はほとんどないから 28%, 99 votes99 votes 28%99 votes - 28% of all votes
- ハンドル周りがサイコンなどでゴチャゴチャしすぎて付ける場所がないから 19%, 67 votes67 votes 19%67 votes - 19% of all votes
- カッコ悪いから 13%, 45 votes45 votes 13%45 votes - 13% of all votes
- 特に理由はない 12%, 43 votes43 votes 12%43 votes - 12% of all votes
- ベルを付けないと違反であることを知らなかったから 6%, 23 votes23 votes 6%23 votes - 6% of all votes
- まだ買っていない* 5%, 18 votes18 votes 5%18 votes - 5% of all votes
- ベルがあると違法に歩行者に鳴らしてしまいそうだから* 5%, 18 votes18 votes 5%18 votes - 5% of all votes
- 警察が取り締まらないから* 4%, 16 votes16 votes 4%16 votes - 4% of all votes
- お金がもったいないから 4%, 15 votes15 votes 4%15 votes - 4% of all votes
- 口があるから* 4%, 14 votes14 votes 4%14 votes - 4% of all votes
Total Votes: 358
Voters: 199
- 2019年8月11日
* - added by visitor
Voting is closed
- ベルを付ける予定はない 52%, 93 votes93 votes 52%93 votes - 52% of all votes
- 考え中 37%, 66 votes66 votes 37%66 votes - 37% of all votes
- ベルを付ける予定 11%, 20 votes20 votes 11%20 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 179
- 2019年8月11日
Voting is closed
- 付けている 68%, 650 votes650 votes 68%650 votes - 68% of all votes
- 付けていない 32%, 311 votes311 votes 32%311 votes - 32% of all votes
Total Votes: 961
- 2019年8月11日
Voting is closed
- 鳴らしたことはない 55%, 572 votes572 votes 55%572 votes - 55% of all votes
- ベルを付けていない 19%, 199 votes199 votes 19%199 votes - 19% of all votes
- 鳴らしたことがある(法的に適正な使い方) 13%, 139 votes139 votes 13%139 votes - 13% of all votes
- 鳴らしたことがある(歩行者に対してなど、不適切な使い方) 7%, 77 votes77 votes 7%77 votes - 7% of all votes
- ベルは鳴らしてないが、注意喚起でカウベル付けている 6%, 60 votes60 votes 6%60 votes - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 1047
Voters: 958
- 2019年8月11日
Voting is closed
シマノ(SHIMANO) CN-HG901 11S 116L ICNHG90111116
posted with amazlet at 19.08.03
売り上げランキング: 1,787
売り上げランキング: 1,787
REVOTEで前のVOTEをキャンセルしたら、以前の選択肢としては残っていたので、ADD AnswerしてREVOTEしてみました。そしたら集計的にダブっちゃったみたい。ごめんなさい。