- コンチネンタル GP5000 20%, 544 votes544 votes 20%544 votes - 20% of all votes
- ヴィットリア CORSA 6%, 149 votes149 votes 6%149 votes - 6% of all votes
- ヴィットリア RUBINO PRO 5%, 125 votes125 votes 5%125 votes - 5% of all votes
- コンチネンタル ULTRA SPORT 3 4%, 114 votes114 votes 4%114 votes - 4% of all votes
- ピレリ PZERO VELO* 4%, 109 votes109 votes 4%109 votes - 4% of all votes
- パナレーサー グラベルキング 4%, 105 votes105 votes 4%105 votes - 4% of all votes
- シュワルベPRO ONE* 4%, 96 votes96 votes 4%96 votes - 4% of all votes
- IRC FORMULA PRO TUBELESS RBCC 3%, 90 votes90 votes 3%90 votes - 3% of all votes
- コンチネンタル GP4000S2* 3%, 90 votes90 votes 3%90 votes - 3% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワーロード(クリンチャー) 3%, 83 votes83 votes 3%83 votes - 3% of all votes
- シュワルベ ONE* 3%, 68 votes68 votes 3%68 votes - 3% of all votes
- パナレーサー クローザープラス 2%, 59 votes59 votes 2%59 votes - 2% of all votes
- パナレーサー AGILEST 2%, 57 votes57 votes 2%57 votes - 2% of all votes
- イクシオン PRO UST 2* 2%, 46 votes46 votes 2%46 votes - 2% of all votes
- ピレリ P ZERO RACE 1%, 34 votes34 votes 1%34 votes - 1% of all votes
- コンチネンタル GP5000 TL* 1%, 33 votes33 votes 1%33 votes - 1% of all votes
- パナレーサー A 1%, 31 vote31 vote 1%31 vote - 1% of all votes
- コンチネンタル GP5000 TR 1%, 30 votes30 votes 1%30 votes - 1% of all votes
- IRC FORMULA PRO TUBELESS READY S-LIGHT 1%, 30 votes30 votes 1%30 votes - 1% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワーロード(TLR) 1%, 26 votes26 votes 1%26 votes - 1% of all votes
- Veloflex Corsa* 1%, 26 votes26 votes 1%26 votes - 1% of all votes
- ピレリ P ZERO Road 1%, 25 votes25 votes 1%25 votes - 1% of all votes
- スペシャライズド S-WORKS TURBO TIRE 1%, 25 votes25 votes 1%25 votes - 1% of all votes
- ブリヂストン R1X 1%, 24 votes24 votes 1%24 votes - 1% of all votes
- コンチネンタル GATORSKIN 1%, 23 votes23 votes 1%23 votes - 1% of all votes
- MAVIC YKSION PRO UST II* 1%, 23 votes23 votes 1%23 votes - 1% of all votes
- パナレーサー D 1%, 22 votes22 votes 1%22 votes - 1% of all votes
- ヴィットリア CORSA Speed 1%, 22 votes22 votes 1%22 votes - 1% of all votes
- IRC FORMULA PRO TUBELESS X-Guard 1%, 21 vote21 vote 1%21 vote - 1% of all votes
- ブリヂストン RR2X 1%, 19 votes19 votes 1%19 votes - 1% of all votes
- ピレリ P ZERO RACE TLR 1%, 19 votes19 votes 1%19 votes - 1% of all votes
- ミシュラン リチオン3 1%, 18 votes18 votes 1%18 votes - 1% of all votes
- ボントレガー R3 Hard-Case Lite Road Tire 1%, 18 votes18 votes 1%18 votes - 1% of all votes
- IRC ASPITE PRO RBCC 1%, 16 votes16 votes 1%16 votes - 1% of all votes
- ヴィットリア ZAFFIRO PRO 1%, 15 votes15 votes 1%15 votes - 1% of all votes
- コンチネンタル GRAND PRIX 4-SEASON 1%, 14 votes14 votes 1%14 votes - 1% of all votes
- パナレーサー AGILEST Light 1%, 14 votes14 votes 1%14 votes - 1% of all votes
- パナレーサー AGILEST TLR 0%, 13 votes13 votes13 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー グラベルキング SKプラス 0%, 13 votes13 votes13 votes - 0% of all votes
- ヴィットリア CORSA CONTROL 0%, 13 votes13 votes13 votes - 0% of all votes
- ハッチンソン FUSION 5 PERFORMANCE 0%, 13 votes13 votes13 votes - 0% of all votes
- ブリヂストン RR2LL 0%, 13 votes13 votes13 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル SPRINTER(チューブラー) 0%, 12 votes12 votes12 votes - 0% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワータイムトライアル(クリンチャー) 0%, 12 votes12 votes12 votes - 0% of all votes
- IRC JETTY PLUS* 0%, 12 votes12 votes12 votes - 0% of all votes
- スペシャライズド TURBO COTTON LTD 0%, 11 votes11 votes11 votes - 0% of all votes
- グッドイヤー イーグルF1* 0%, 11 votes11 votes11 votes - 0% of all votes
- IRC ROADLITE 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- スペシャライズド TURBO PRO TIRE 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- ボントレガー R3 Hard-Case Lite TLR Road Tire 0%, 10 votes10 votes10 votes - 0% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワーコンペティション(チューブラー) 0%, 8 votes8 votes8 votes - 0% of all votes
- ブリヂストン DISTANZA 0%, 8 votes8 votes8 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー ツーキニスト* 0%, 8 votes8 votes8 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル COMPETITION(チューブラー) 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワーオールシーズン(クリンチャー) 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- ヴィットリア RUBINO PRO Speed 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- ピレリ P ZERO RACE 4s 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- ヴィットリア CORSA TLR* 0%, 7 votes7 votes7 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー AGILEST Duro 0%, 6 votes6 votes6 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー グラベルキング プラス 0%, 6 votes6 votes6 votes - 0% of all votes
- IRC ASPITE PRO S-LIGHT 0%, 6 votes6 votes6 votes - 0% of all votes
- ブリヂストン R1S 0%, 6 votes6 votes6 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル Grand Prix ATTACK & FORCE* 0%, 6 votes6 votes6 votes - 0% of all votes
- ヴィットリア RUBINO PRO CONTROL 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- ハッチンソン FUSION 5 ALL SEASON 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- ブリヂストン R1G 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- ボントレガー R2 Hard-Case Lite Road Tire* 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー giller* 0%, 5 votes5 votes5 votes - 0% of all votes
- ミシュラン ダイナミックスポーツ 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ピレリ P ZERO RACE TLR SL 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- マキシス High Road SL 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- マキシス High Road 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Re-Fuse 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA COURSE 0 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA FONDO 1 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- グッドイヤー EAGLE F1 SUPERSPORT* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ヴァロフレックス CORSA EVO TLR* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ハッチンソン FUSION 5 GALACTIK* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- Vittoria* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワーエンデュランス* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー C* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- TUFO c-s33 pro* 0%, 4 votes4 votes4 votes - 0% of all votes
- ハッチンソン FUSION 5(Tu) 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- IRC BOKEN TUBELESS READY 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- IRC BOKEN PLUS TUBELESS READY 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- IRC BOKEN DOUBLECROSS TUBELESS READY 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- ピレリ CINTURATO VELO TLR 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Padrone TR 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- カデックス RACE TUBELESS (TUBELESS READY)* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- challenge strada vianca* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- Good year EAGLE F1* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル GRAN DPRIX Classic* 0%, 3 votes3 votes3 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル TERRA SPEED PROTECTION 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ハッチンソン INTENSIV 2 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ブリヂストン BICOLORE 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ボントレガー AW3 Hard-Case Lite Road Tire 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Velocita 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA COURSE 1 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA FONDO 0 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA RACE 0 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- TUFO COMTURA 3 TR* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- タイオガ シティースリッカーⅡ* 0%, 2 votes2 votes2 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル SPRINTER GATORSKIN(チューブラー) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー AGILEST TU 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- IRC MARBELLA TUBELESS X-Guard 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- IRC BOKEN SLOPCHOP TUBELESS READY 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- スペシャライズド ALL CONDITION ARMADILLO ELITE TIRE 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- スペシャライズド ALL CONDITION ARMADILLO TIRE 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- ボントレガー GR1 Team Issue Gravel Tire 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- ボントレガー GR2 Team Issue Gravel Tire 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Rouler TR 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Pursuer 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Campione 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Columbiere 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA RACE 1 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- ジャイアント GAVIA AC 0 TIRE (TUBELESS READY) 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- Mitas/Rubena ARROW R16* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- ツーホータイヤ* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- FMB Flander’s TLR 26* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- スペシャライズド S-WORKS RAPID AIR* 0%, 1 vote1 vote1 vote - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル TERRA TRAIL PROTECTION 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル TERRA TRAIL SHIELD WALL 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- コンチネンタル TEMPO(チューブラー) 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- ミシュラン パワーグラベル 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- パナレーサー L 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- マキシス Campione TT 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes